The Influence of Early America. The classicizing impulse of the first decades of the new Republic and the early decades of the twentieth century remain the most consistent source for our designs for our new houses. A reliance on a careful consideration of site issues, a clear and rational spatial organizations, and the use of traditional architectural elements has made these designs the favorite of clients. Historically inspired building elements are employed as necessary components of the overall design, and not applied as pastiches, imbuing our houses with a rigor and authenticity worthy of our clients' ambitions.

The Influence of Europe. In addition to regional and national sources for our designs, the architecture of Europe, especially Italy, France, and England continue to function as a fountainhead of ideas. The joy in our endeavor is in selecting and translating the most suitable models from the past that excites the imagination, yet fully satisfies the functional requirements.

Additions, Renovations, and Interiors. In addition to the design of new buildings, our office specializes in renovating and adding to existing buildings, such as this design for a French Neo-Classical design for a new ballroom in custom plaster elements and wood parquet floor.

Site Planning. In addition to assisting owners in the selection of suitable building sites, we take great pains in ensuring that each new house takes full advantage of the site's natural features.

From Design to Execution. Every project from the large custom home to the small renovation or addition involves the same attention to detail. Proceeding systematically from design sketches, to development drawings, to the actual construction documents that will be used in pricing and constructing the project, with each step, the process relies on a close collaboration of architect and client to ensure satisfaction with all the elements.